Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) is named after the Japanese physician, Dr. Toshikatsu Yamamoto, who developed this acupuncture system in 1973. YNSA is used to treat neurological conditions, and is both effective and immediate in stroke patients with pain and/or restricted mobility. As a result, the use of YNSA has increased and has becomethe most frequently used form of acupuncture. YNSA comprises basic acupuncture points (somatopes) mainly on the scalp, as well as on other body regions. In addition to providing symptomatic relief, YNSA is sometimes curative.The workshop`s duration is 18 hours which is spread over two days, 9 hours/day. The workshop is an active learning workshop during which the participants will learn the YNSA macros stem acupuncture points, which were described by Yamamoto and which are currently used to effectively treat a wide range of neurological and orthopedic conditions.In the workshop, participants will learn and practice the location and indications of the four different needling groups of YNSA.
Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) was introduced in 1973 during the 25thAnnual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Ryodoraku Medicine which was held in Osaka, Japan. YNSA is different from Chinese scalp acupuncture. The locations of YNSA’s needling points are different from those of the therapeutic zones of Chinese scalp acupuncture. YNSA is a somatic representation or microsystem which is comparable to other well-known microsystems, such as ear acupuncture (auricular therapy) and hand acupuncture (Sujok acupuncture) and comprises basic acupuncture points (somatopes) mainly on the scalp and other body regions. The main or basic YNSA somatotope is located bilaterally on the forehead in the Yin position along the frontal hairline, and a mirror-like reflection of this anterior somatope is located bilaterally on the occipital scalp in the Yang position (Figure 1). Since the hairline varies from person to person, the exact locations of the needling points will vary from person to person depending on the anatomy of their skull. In view of these differences, the word “new” was incorporated into the name in order to distinguish it from Chinese scalp acupuncture.
- Students
- Acupuncturists
- Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Soujok practitioners
- Physiotherapists
- Medical Doctors
Dr Avi Amir
- Avi Amir is a therapist who specializes in Chinese medicine and medical massage therapy, and in particular the treatment of orthopedic problems and pain. Avi Amir also practices YNSA, which he studied under the guidance of Dr. Toshikatsu Yamamoto, founder of this technique. Avi maintains regular contact with Dr. Yamamoto, and through this contact, he is regularly updated on developments in the field. Avi is one of the co-founders of the International School of Scalp Acupuncture, and is an active managing partner of the community clinic at the Pnima Center. At Pnima, Avi treats over 150 patients a week using Chinese medicine and medical massage techniques. He also uses his vast experience with YNSA as well his teaching skills to enrich the skills of other therapists and health care professionals with knowledge on this unique method. Avi recently established a unique support center at Pnima, which provides professional enrichment, as well as professional guidance to new graduates in the field of complementary medicine. The center is the first of its kind in Israel, and helps individuals interested in doing so to combine scalp acupuncture into their practice. Avi Amir believes that YNSA is an inseparable part of his clinical paradigm and of his life. He is glad to have been given to opportunity to broaden the toolbox of other therapists and health care providers by teaching them this unique method, and by passing on the knowledge and experience that he has gained. He feels that this is the best way to ensure that a maximal number of patients benefit from this treatment method.
Dr David Bomzon
- David Bomzon is a therapist and lecturer who specializes in classical Chinese medicine and YNSA. David is the founder of the Pnima Center in Haifa, Israel, which is devoted to the practice of complementary medicine in an integrative manner, and in which patients are encouraged to supplement the benefits of conventional medicine with complementary treatments. Since its establishment in 2007, the center has become the leading center for Chinese medicine in Haifa, and is the leading center for teaching YNSA in Israel. David teaches rehabilitative Chinese medicine and is a senior lecturer in complementary and integrative medicine at Reidman College, which is an established l college for Chinese and complementary medicine in Israel. He is considered a leading authority on YNSA, and is regularly invited to lecture on this topic at professional gatherings and conferences. He is involved in clinical research which is investigating the benefits of YNSA in neurological rehabilitation. Throughout his career as a therapist, lecturer, and mentor, David has pushed for the integral combination of acupuncture, Chinese medicine and scalp acupuncture. Today he is one of the leading therapists in Israel specializing in rehabilitative and integrative acupuncture.
1. Nine basic points, which are named A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. Stimulation of these points exerts a general effect on the body, the internal organs, the musculoskeletal system, and the peripheral nervous system. Five of the Yin basic points (A, B, C, D, and E) are located on the forehead on either side of the midline along the natural hairline. The basic E point is located above both eyebrows in the supraorbital foramen. The F point is unusual because it is located in the occipital Yang area behind the ears over the mastoid bone process at the height of the ear’s tragus. The H and I
points were added after discovery and use of the A, B, C, D, E, F, and G points, and the I point has since become a somatotope. Eight of the nine points (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H) are reflected bilaterally in the occipital area as Yang points.
2. Four facial sensory points, eye, nose, mouth, and ear, which are located on both sides of the face and are also reflected on the Yang side of the scalp. Three of these sensory points (eye, nose, and mouth) are located bilaterally on the forehead in an area between the basic A and E points (about 1 cm lateral to the midline, below the location of basic point A and the medial area of point E). The ear sensory point is located at the continuation of point C towards the bridge of the nose and at a height that is between the eye and nose points. Needling of one these points stimulates and medicates the sense and the structure of that facial sensory organ.
3. Three brain zones (points), the cerebrum, the cerebellum, the basal ganglia (midbrain), and are located bilaterally close to the scalp’s sagittal line just above the frontal hairline in the Yin and the Yang. Stimulation of these points exerts an affect on the central nervous system.
4. Twelve Ypsilon points, KID, UB, LU, SI, PI, ST, SJ, LI, GB, PC, HT, and LIV, and are bilaterally located in the temporal Yin region with a corresponding posterior Yang representation. Stimulation of these points exerts an effect on the 12 internal organs and 12 meridians.
5. Twelve cranial nerve points which are located bilaterally and are a posterior continuation of the line of point A. Six of these 12 points overlie the brain points. Stimulation of these points affects the internal organs and the 21 cranial nerves.
Most of the abovementioned points are associated with a diagnostic zone, which should be palpated before selecting a needling point and body side. An accurate diagnosis improves the therapeutic value the of acupuncture treatment.
Signed by Dr A. Amir & D. Bomzon
After completing each seminar, an official Certificate of Attendance is awarded, signed by Dr. A. Amir & Dr. D. Bomzon.
On the Certificate will be metioned the teaching hours and the subject you have choosen.
The certificate will be under the auspice of:
Pnima, International School of Scalp Acupuncture
After compliting the hole course (Basic & Advance) the official diploma will be awarded signed by Dr. A. Amir & Dr. D. Bomzon.
The diploma will be under the auspice of International School of Scalp Acupuncture, Pnima.
On the Diploma will be metioned the teaching hours.